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Thought Provoking

Purpose Seekers Academy: The School of Truth  was created to be INSPIRING, yet powerful enough to TRANSFORM your life.  You will begin to seriously examine the thoughts you think about yourself and the beliefs that are governing your quality of life. 

The old CYCLES, RHYTHMS, and PATTERNS of thinking that have kept you stuck in life will be broken.  New information about you will begin the transformation process needed to help you realize your true identity and reason for existing. 

Truth Revealing

You will discover the truth about WHO you are, WHY you are here and WHAT you have been designed to accomplish WHILE you are here.  Lies, deceptions, and wrong beliefs that have kept you imprisoned, disillusioned, frustrated and unclear about how you can live a successful and fulfilling life will be exposed. You will become EQUIPPED to discard them from your life forever. You'll start making sound decisions based on the proper knowledge and understanding you have acquired.  You will begin to live a life of LIBERTY, FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE. 

Faith Nurturing

Faith in your new identity will be carefully fed and encouraged so you can be STRENGTHEN and EMPOWERED by it.  Obstacles and challenges like Fear, Anxiety, Shame and Guilt will no longer dictate your life and keep you from the future success that already belongs to you.  You will gain the CONFIDENCE and ASSURANCE needed to step out and walk BOLDLY and COURAGEOUSLY in your God-given purpose.  You will live according to your awaken, authentic self, and accomplish far more than you've ever dreamed.

    Life Transforming

  • Discover the reason why you have been CREATED, CHOSEN and CALLED forth into existence.  You have a specific PURPOSE for being here.
  • Experience how your life will  radically and supernaturally change by becoming divinely aligned SPIRITUALLY, MENTALLY, FINANCIALLY, and PHYSICALLY.  You do not have to live in mediocrity and lack until you die.
  • Live according to the plan that has been TAILOR-MADE just for you.  It will cause you to live a life far pass your expectations.
  • Awaken and Stir Up GIFTS and ABILITIES that lay dormant within you.  There is a power that lives inside you waiting to accelerate you to your highest potential.  Make no mistake about it, you have been GIFTED to accomplish great things.  You have been equipped for GREATNESS!

"There are many plans in a person's heart,

but it is GOD'S purpose that prevails."   Proverbs 19:21

Hi! I'm Lisa

Purpose Seekers Academy was birthed from my overwhelming desire to experience what successful living would be like for me.  I longed to know what the abundant life God had promised would be like.   After diligently seeking Him for answers, to my surprise, one day He began to  take me on what I call "the journey of a lifetime" revealing my true identity and purpose for my existence. 

While along my journey, God began to introduce me to the real person He had originally intended me to be.  I found out I had gifts and abilities beyond what I had ever imagined, and I started having visions and dreams of what His desire and thoughts for my life entailed.

After years of going through my process of transformation, discovering my authenticity; the time has come for me to start fulfilling my life's purpose- teaching and empowering others to discover their God-given purpose so they can be free to experience what it's like to truly live a successful and fulfilling life.

Coaching with ME

  3 Learning Experiences 

           The 3 P's of discovering your TRUTH:

  • Preparation

  • Pursuit

  • Possession  

Each experience offers additional ongoing support via a private group setting.

Learn More

 You will be provided with:

~Support no matter what level of life you are at currently

~The freedom and liberty to work at your own pace

~The opportunity to be free from any type of judgment

~The ability to choose your own learning environment

~An exclusive online community for networking and ongoing learning

~Live coaching sessions

~Lifetime access to courses


**Purpose Seekers Academy is an online faith-based learning and empowerment center where I teach finding purpose from a spiritual perspective.   I teach spiritual truths which are life principles that will never change and will work for anyone, no matter the situation or circumstance.  


Don't Delay! Your Journey Awaits! Take your first step toward realizing and experiencing the amazing life that has already been PREDESTINED and PURPOSED just for you. Schedule a FREE clarity call by contacting me TODAY.


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